Solavei ZTE Origin User Manual

Solavei ZTE Origin User Manual - This is Solavie ZTE Origin user guide or owner manual that you just have to be compelled to scan before exploitation the Solavie ZTE Origin smartphone, thus you'll be able to operate it properly. This Solavie ZTE Origin user’s guide are often found at ZTE web site ( it's obtainable in PDF file that you just will transfer on to your desktop.

If you don’t have a smartphone because they have always been too expensive, you need to check out the ZTE Origin. This is the smartphone you’ve been waiting for.

Ships with the Android 2.3 operating system including access to Android Market with more than thousands of the hottest apps, games and widgets. Plus seamless integration with Google apps.

A full featured Android smartphone with a 3.5” HVGA capacitive touch display, accelerometer and virtual keypad, 2.0 MP camera/camcorder, WiFi capable, 3G real web browsing and XT9
Solavei ZTE Origin User Manual

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